Tuesday, March 31, 2009

CRYPTOMONADALES (Crypto+): A Breakthrough in Natural Health Therapy like no other

CRYPTOMONADALES, or better known as CRYPTO+, has been rapidly making its way to the local market as one of the more effective and dependable sources of good health and natural therapy. It was introduced into the local market some almost 3 years, but has been a success in the international scene for almost 30 years now. It is documented and has been backed up by scientific and medical studies to be an effective solution to illnesses of all types which are known to be incurable and have rendered afflicted people hopeless.

Its main ingredient, which is a specific strain of green algae, makes it an all natural approach in treating known sicknesses in people and is proven to be very effective and efficient. There are no known side effects and is guaranteed since it is an all botanical and organic composition containing all the very essential vitamins, amino acids and the highest quality of plant protein and fibres, and most importantly contains minerals, specifically selenium, which is believed to have anti –cancer properties.

CRYPTOMONADALES (Crytpo+) being an abundant source of vitamins, minerals, proteins and carbohydrates, is a complete food, which is representative of the food pyramid. Aside from the beneficial contents as previously mentioned, it also contains Chlorophyll, Chlorella Growth Factory, PPARs Agonists and Phycocyanin, in equal abundance. It is not only a complete food, but is considered as a healing food.

We all know that our body is made up of cells. The cell is the structural and functional unit of all known living organisms. It is also known as the building block of life. It is the most basic unit of life. Damaged cells due to diseases and illnesses pose as grave threats to our overall health, and in some unfortunate cases, complete deterioration of the human anatomy which eventually leads to unthinkable consequences. Generally, it is with the kind of abuse we give our bodies that most people end up sick and gravely ill. We can just imagine the consistent abuse our bodies take based with the kind of daily living or lifestyle we maintain. Malnutrition which is a consequence of improper nutritional intake is very common. Ingestion of toxic and harmful substances due to lack of discipline and a lot of misinformation. These rapidly pave the way to damaged cells, which in some cases, take an eternity to revitalize or rebuild, depending on the kind of rejuvenation method.

This is where CRYTOMONADALES (Crypto+) takes its place as the better option to an effective therapy process where no other alternative can perform. Unlike the other alternatives out in the market today that are being marketed as supplements and treatments of specific ailments, CRYPTO MONADALES is known to have a broader scope that heals and targets a vast range of disorders and illnesses. Just to name a few, one of the most common diseases which it has known to effectively alleviate and cure is diabetes. CRYPTOMONADALES works way deep into the totality of the human anatomy creating a balance within our system. It purifies the blood and has an anti-toxic effect from the abundant source of chlorophyll, 100 times more than the normal vegetables we ingest as part of our daily diet. It greatly manages our blood cholesterol levels and has anti-cancer properties. It also possesses an anti-ageing effect on people due to accelerated cell reproduction, which is the main key to full recovery from diseases. Because of the presence of CGF (chlorella growth factor), it provides a bountiful source of energy for cells. It then increases our resistance to bacteria, germs, viruses and chronic diseases which are caused by deficiencies in our system. It also has anti-viral, immunoregulation and anti-inflammation properties.

With all its beneficial effects and its detailed information concerning other very positive consequences of consuming CRYPTOMONADALES (CRYPTO+), we would like to invite you to take a brief moment to view the website presented below. It is never too late to get the most of what life has to offer. Enjoy healthy living!